
Spotlight Solihull – Glynis Powell

Tell us a little about you and what you do

I’m the lucky manager of a most beautiful and important historic Garden at the north tip of the Borough. Castle Bromwich Hall Gardens, we are a tiny charity looking after a nationally significant 17/18th century garden and nature reserve. So, my work ranges across mending the laptops, fundraising, devising family activities and booking outdoor theatre and of course enjoying talking with all our visitors and users.

What do you love about Solihull?

It has such varied landscapes and outlook. Urbs in Rure is such an accurate motto for the Borough, with all the speed of city life in places and surprisingly peaceful spots of green, interspersed.

How would you describe Solihull in three words to someone looking to visit?

Rural, Picturesque, Great gardens

Why should people visit Solihull?

It’s bigger than you think and there is something for everyone. High end retail, attractions and nature. You can’t go wrong.

What are your favourite things to.


Find all nine of the little Mouse ( Robert Thompson ) carvings in St Johns Baptist Church in Berkswell


Cream Tea in a Box picnic at our Gardens


Nuthurst Grange


Temple Balsall, a really charming village, church, alms houses and an air full of ancient secrets

What in your opinion is the best hidden gem in Solihull to explore?

Castle Bromwich Historic Gardens and Parkland of course.